becoming a director of nursing in long term care

What Does it Take to be an Assisted Living Administrator?

The long term care industry is one of the largest growing employment fields in the US. This is due to our rapidly aging population. The Administration on Aging predicts that by 2030, one in five Americans will be over age 65. The sheer number of seniors who will require services in the future mean careers in the senior living industry, including Assisted Living, Independent Living, CCRC, Skilled Nursing Facilities, and Home Care will be plentiful.

There are many careers available in all segments but MedBest is experiencing an uptick in the need for Senor Living Executives and especially Assisted Living Administrators.

Job Duties of Assisted Living Administrators

The Assisted Living Administrator manages and oversee all operations in residential facilities that primarily accommodate the aging and includes the coordination of patient care and the supervision of employees.

According to, the job description of an Assisted Living Administrator is as follows: Assisted Living Administrators work in assisted living facilities and are responsible for deciding which people the facility can admit. They also have a variety of administrative duties, such as managing financial matters; this may include collecting debts and dealing with personal finances of those living in the facilities. Some of their work is managerial, such as screening/hiring new employees, reviewing staff performance, and overseeing day-to-day operations in general. Ultimacalltoy, their goal is to provide the best-possible service and ensure that their staff is doing the same. As assisted care facilities require 24-hour maintenance, administrators’ hours are often long. Rather than being structured regularly, hours are usually worked in shifts. Even when not working, assisted living administrators may have to remain on-call. They may have assistant administrators who handle small matters, report concerns to administrators, and manage the facility during the administrators’ days off. The job is largely mental and requires constant interaction with workers, and they are typically employed by assisted living facilities to work indoors in a neutral office setting.

Assisted Living Administrator Education Requirements

In many states, you may need a bachelor’s degree. Depending on the size and complexity of the facility, an employer may require you to have a bachelor’s degree in business or health administration. Courses you might study in these degree programs include business management, accounting, human resources administration, medical law and ethics, strategic planning and health information systems.

Assisted Living Administrator Licensing Requirements

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), some states require Assisted Living Administrators to be licensed. Requirements may also include a criminal background check and a college education, preferably in public health administration or business administration, and related work experience. Also, most states require the completion of a state training program.

Assisted Living Administrator Experience

Jobs for Assisted Living Administrators are growing quickly, including Interim Assisted Living Administrator, and employers often require a minimum of two years work experience as an Assisted Living Administrator plus demonstrate compassion and possess interpersonal skills to manage personnel issues.

Average Salary of Assisted Living Administrators

According to, the average salary for an Assisted Living Administrator Job in the US is $57,617.

Key Skills Required for Assisted Living Administrators

  • Analytical
  • Communication
  • Problem Solving
  • Interpersonal
  • Team-Oriented

Possible Career Paths for Assisted Living Administrators:

The most common career paths for an Assisted Living Administrators are promotions to Assisted Living Director and Executive Director. However, there are seasoned Assisted Living Administrators who prefer an interim career.  They’re attracted to the travel and short-term gigs.  Salary for an Assisted Living Director is $59,745 and for an Executive Director, $78,617.

Alternative Careers For Assisted Living Administrators

Aside from Assisted Living Administration jobs, licensed Administrators may work in hospitals, physicians’ offices, government and home health care services as Clinical Managers, Health Information Managers or Assistant Administrators. Outside of the medical field some administrator jobs and careers include human resources management and social and community service management.

Growth of Assisted Living Jobs & Facilities

Assisted Living facilities and communities are growing rapidly around the US. The trend away from nursing home living has created a new market for individuals needing some assistance but wanting to remain mostly independent. Assisted Living facilities are the solution.  The BLS predicted that jobs for health services and medical managers will grow by 17% from 2014-24, much faster than average for other occupations. Dementia Care is the fasted growing segment of Assisted Living.

Why Choose MedBest as Your Assisted Living Administrator Search Partner & Assisted Living Executive Recruiter?

As former senior healthcare and long term care executives, including Executive Directors and Assisted Living Administrators, MedBest’s leadership and senior recruiting team have been on both sides of the hiring process. We understand what is required to successfully place an executive such as an Assisted Living Administrator into an Assisted Living Community.

MedBest Recruiters works with many Assisted Living Facilities across the US and have placed hundreds of executive professionals including:

  • C-Suite Executives
  • Vice Presidents
  • Executive Directors
  • Assisted Living Administrators
  • Assistants to Administrators
  • General Managers
  • Sales and Marketing Directors
  • Regional Consultants
  • Resident Service Directors

We’ve created a recruiting process that enables us to select the most desirable leaders for vital roles within assisted living communities

As part of our recruiting process, we offer two recruiting packages, MedBest Advantage and MedBest Premium to meet the needs of our clients:

  • Based on 25 stringent steps, with our MedBest Advantage recruiting process we base our candidate selections off of certifications, references, skill sets, and experience. After finding potential assisted living talent, each individual is rigorously screened and interviewed to ensure they meet all of the necessary requirements for the company.
  • MedBest Premium ensures a perfect match with personality assessments. There is a very clear connection between personality and engagement, performance, and profit. This makes personality something that should be assessed before any hiring takes place. With this state-of-the-art testing, our experts are able to anticipate possible issues that may arise in the assisted living environment and eliminate them before they begin; this makes long-term success nearly guaranteed. It can prevent the ever fatal personality war. In fact, when this system is fully deployed, it boasts an astounding 92% success rate.

For those who are looking for a position in assisted living and senior healthcare, including C-Suite Executives, Vice Presidents, Executive Directors, Assisted Living Administrators, General Managers, Sales and Marketing Directors, Regional Consultants, Resident Service Directors, our job board is full of great opportunities to find the perfect match for your skills.



Julie Rupenski is the Founder, President & CEO of MedBest, opening the doors in 2001. Since then, Julie has gained national recognition for providing top talent solutions exclusively for the Senior Living Industry. Her specialties include filling C-Suite, Vice President, Regional, and Property level positions.

Julie has an in-depth knowledge of the Senior Living Industry.  She previously worked in operations for both Senior Housing and Senior Living prior to founding MedBest. Today, Julie makes it her personal and professional mission to place qualified people in health care positions where they have the greatest impact.

Julie earned her degree in Gerontology at the University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida and continues to cultivate her career through senior living conferences, forums, trade shows, and expos.

Julie’s industry articles and interviews have been published in Provider Magazine, Argentum Quarterly, LeadingAge Magazine, Florida Health Care Association, Florida Assisted Living Association, Florida Senior Living Association, LeadingAge Florida, LeadingAge Indiana, Pennsylvania Health Care AssociationOregon Health Care Association, and Virginia Assisted Living Association.

Contact Julie Rupenski at / 727-526-1294.

senior living job searchABOUT MEDBEST

MedBest is a national Executive Search Firm exclusive to the Senior Living Industry established in 2001.  We recruit and acquire exceptional senior care talent, permanent and interim executives, for all types of Senior Living Organizations and Communities across the US including Assisted Living, Continuing Care Retirement Communities, Independent Living, Memory Care, Hone Care, and Skilled Nursing Facilities.

Ask us about our Interim Talent Solutions including: Interim Executive Director, Interim Nursing Home Administrator, Assisted Living Administrator, Interim Director of Nursing, Interim Resident Director/Wellness Director, Health Services Director and Interim MDS Coordinator.

Contact MedBest at / 727-526-1294


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