Virginia Assisted Living Association Highlights MedBest in Membership-Wide Email!
The Virginia Assisted Living Association (VALA) appreciates the support provided by Industry Partner Members that provide products and services for assisted living providers. Please take a minute to view the message below from one of VALA’s Industry Partner Members.
7 Benefits of Partnering with MedBest Recruiting for Your Next Executive Search
Recruiting high caliber candidates in senior living is quite challenging. If you’re thinking about investing in new executive talent, you need to make sure that you’re using the best recruitment methods available and that should include MedBest Recruiting, an industry-specific executive recruiting firm and member of VALA.
What are the benefits of engaging MedBest as your executive search partner?
1) Exclusive to the Industry. We’re senior living executives placing senior living executives! Our search team is directly from the industry. Our in-depth knowledge, invaluable experience, and critical candidate insights enable us to access and present highly qualified candidates, both perm and interim.
2) Cost-Effective. We will save you money! A complex and lengthy in-house recruitment process can be pricey plus, not all new hires work out. The estimated cost of a bad hire ranges from 5 to 27 times the amount of the person’s actual salary depending on the location and open position. As your executive search partner, MedBest saves you money with our ability to zero-in on the highly qualified leaders you need and thus, avoiding a complicated hiring process and long-term vacancies.
3) Time Efficient. As senior living recruiters with over 20 years of experience, we have established relationships and access to a wider pool of top active and passive candidates in the US than most organizations do. This translates to quickly identifying qualified and interested candidates for your open position. This is not only a time saver but a huge advantage especially when looking for a candidate with a specific skill set and/or experience.
4) Interim Coverage Available. With senior living experiencing a workforce crisis, leadership burnout, and key roles becoming vacant, we’re here to help by providing interim talent quickly. Our average time to fill an interim role is 1-4 days. In addition, one quarter of our interims convert to perm and 73% of clients are repeat customers.
5) Rigorous Search Process. Our recruitment process involves accuracalltoy identifying qualified candidates and assessing their talent using the best tools each step of the way. MedBest has a proven process that can include a personality assessment which looks at a candidate’s motivators, practices, and how they adapt and overcome difficult situations and if they fit your company culture.
6)Timely Job Market Data. The best industry search firms have up-to-date information regarding your specific search. At MedBest, we share the latest on the talent landscape and going salaries of a specific role in a specific location. This information can help you attract an even better candidate than originally thought or even reshape the parameters of the role you need to fill.
7)Transparency. MedBest will be upfront and provide honest and timely communication with you throughout the recruiting process. You will know exactly what has been done, the approach taken, and the results from start to finish.
Recruiting leadership for senior living organizations can be difficult. However, with the help of MedBest Recruiting, you don’t have to do it alone.
Contact us for more information about the benefits of partnering with MedBest or if you have an immediate recruitment need, perm or interim: 727-526-1294 / /
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