
Top 10 Manager Qualities Needed for Senior Care Jobs

Managers in Senior Care Jobs
Top 10 Manager Qualities Needed For Senior Care Jobs
No matter what sector of business you are seeking employment with, Senior Care Jobs, Elder Care Jobs or otherwise, there are general sought-after qualities that clients are looking for in a job candidate. As one of the nation’s top recruitment agencies, MedBest is providing the top 10 qualities in high demand in Senior Care.

  1. Potential Manager is committed. It’s becoming harder to find managers that consistently stay in one position, in one place when dealing with senior care jobs. The best recommended time for tenure is at least three years at each opportunity, according to our executive recruiters at MedBest.
  2. Potential Manager has a good reputation. If there are negative surveys this could potentially really hurt the hiring process. Stay open and honest on the reputation, and, even better, stay away from locations and workers consecutively showing bad performance.
  3. Potential Manager is resultsoriented.
    For example, if in Sales, did this person build census?  If in Nursing, did this person have excellent survey results?  If in Administration, did this person stay within budget or increase customer satisfaction?
  4. Potential Manager is experienced in their niche.
    Certain experience can really boost the chances of matching with buildings. Are you primarily Independent Living, Assisted Living, Memory Care, Skilled Nursing, Home Care? Try and have a well-balanced experience, don’t niche your resume too much
  5. Potential Manager is honest and upstanding.
    It’s imperative to hire workers without a criminal history or anything suspicious in their past that could put resident or staff in danger.
  6. Potential Manager is professional and comes across as such, both in person and social media.
    We teach our high schoolers not to put up things that can damage their reputation forever on the internet. Why are adults not listening to that same advice? Keep the social media alcohol-free, professional, and respectful.
  7. Potential Manager is a team builder who can help retain staff.
    A bruised peach isn’t as delicious. If there is someone that tends to take the wind from the sails of the team, that’s a huge red flag. You can usually calltol if this is the case before even hiring, this is typically done through references and vetting. This is where using a an executive recruiter can come into serious handy. It’s easy to fake it for a couple interviews, but, not with prior companies or supervisors.
  8. Potential Manager is within that company’s budget. Look into the market and make sure you’re at least in the medium price range.
  9. Potential Manager has the licenses and certifications needed, all in good standing. Keep a record of all trainings, licenses, or certifications needed. To keep them updated, make it easy by staying informed on the newest education efforts.
  10. Potential Manager is a cultural fit.  Each community, office, or group has their own cultural feel about them. Make sure that newbies that come in have the potential to fit into that crowd smoothly. We all know how it feels to go somewhere you don’t belong. If it doesn’t feel right, don’t go for it.

Do you fit the management bill for a senior living or senior care job?

If you’re looking for a new opportunity or are looking to hire a quality candidate for a position, contact the MedBest Senior Care Recruiters to help you vet the best and make a match!

About MedBest

MedBest, a Senior Care and Senior Living recruiting firm, has been successfully assisting Senior living communities locate quality job-seekers nationwide for 17 years. Founded by former Long Term Care Executive and current CEO, Julie Rupenski, MedBest places all mid-level management and executives including CEO, C-Suite, Healthcare IT, and Nurse Leadership positions with a priority in matching the right people within the right positions.

Go find star-talent and opportunities. Call 727 526-1294 for more information, or visit medbest.com.

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