The Increasing Demand for Interim Executives in Senior Living
Senior Living operations can’t stop because one or more members of the leadership team resign, go on sabbatical, take a leave of absence, or are terminated.
That means senior living organizations must quickly locate experienced interim leaders who can hit the ground running and seamlessly fill mission-critical roles. Finding interim talent solutions are always challenging and MedBest is here to ensure no organization is lacking in qualified executives.
According to Julie Rupenski, President of MedBest, “Now more than ever, our clients are asking us for help in providing interim executive consultants and solutions. They recognize their tremendous value when it comes to providing internal leadership as well as serving as a placeholder. In addition, interims can take some of the pressure off while searching for the right long-term fit.”
The most popular senior living interim positions for which MedBest receives inquiries and requests include:
-Executive Directors
-Nursing Home Administrators
-Assisted Living Administrators
-Directors of Nursing
-Health Services Directors
-MDS Coordinators
-Directors of Resident Care / Directors of Resident Services / Wellness Directors
Interim executives must possess specific capabilities for filling a leadership void:
-Ability to Hit the Ground Running
-Adaptable in High Pressure Situations
-Quick to Identify and Solve Team Pain Points
-Ability to Transition Role Seamlessly to Successor
With the demand for interim executives ever increasing, MedBest is currently in search of the best senior living interim talent across the join our team.
Why should you consider MedBest? We are exclusive to the Senior Living industry, comprised of former Senior Living Executives and Interim Specialists, plus 80% of our clients return. This gives us the unique ability to:
-Offer choice Interim assignments
-Understand the expertise you bring
-Place you in the assignment
-Offer a highly competitive wage
-Provide you with 24/7 support
-Care about you and your career
MedBest has a number of immediate interim opportunities to offer plus we receive new inquiries each day. To join our MedBest Interim Solutions team today, please send your resume to or contact us at 727-526-1294. You can also visit the“Find Position” page on our website.
MedBest is a nationwide senior living executive recruiting firm that was established in 2001. We specialize in recruiting quality executive talent for all types of senior living facilities across the US including Assisted Living, Continuing Care Retirement Communities, Memory Care, Independent Living, Home Health Care, and Skilled Nursing Homes.
Contact us at 727-526-1294 /
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