MedBest Celebrating Anniversaries

MedBest Celebrates Staff Anniversaries

Today, MedBest celebrated the company anniversaries of Erin Bogart and Katie Piperata!  Our MedBest team honored them at a luncheon today as we appreciate their hard work, extra efforts and commitment to our success.

Erin has been with MedBest for 11 years! Erin works closely with Julie Rupenski, President & CEO, on the operational side of MedBest including tracking recruiter performance, company, measuring  sales analytics, facilitate client surveys, and coordinates conferences and trade shows. In addition, she is the billing and invoicing contact for clients and payroll administrator for staff.

Katie joined MedBest 10 years ago!  Katie has been very instrumental in helping turn MedBest into such a successful recruiting firm. She has an extensive background in the Senior Living industry. Katie has been a Licensed Nursing Home Administrator and an Executive Director of a five-star rated long-term care facility where she was repeatedly recognized for her achievements. In the past ten years, Katie has placed over five hundred people throughout the US in Retirement Communities, Health Care Centers and Assisted Living Facilities.  Katie was asked to sit on the  Board of Directors at Florida Presbyterian Homes, a non-profit Continuing Care Retirement Community in Lakeland, Florida

Thank you ladies for your service excellence!  Here’s to many more years at MedBest!

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