Elevate Your EX

[addthis tool=”addthis_inline_share_toolbox”]The senior living industry is heavily competing to attract and retain the best talent. For that reason, the employee experience (also known as EX) is more important than ever.

But what exactly is EX? No…it’s not about your ex-wife or ex-husband.  It’s a worker’s observations and perceptions about their employment at a particular place.  It’s the day to day moments at work. Forbes.com has stated that “2018 is the year of Employee Experience.” 

Some organizations are confusing EX with employee engagement, but they are not the same. For most companies, employee engagement has become the idea of investing in perks like free food, gym memberships, and new programs but that doesn’t change what it’s like to work there. The EX is still the same culture and the same leadership style.

According to the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), meaningful EX breaks down into finding the optimal balance of three areas, culture, technology and physical environment. 

Culture is integral when it comes to EX.  The culture of a workplace is the feeling you get by being in it. It’s what make you excited about going to work or dreading going to work. It’s about the vibes your organization gives. Workplace culture includes the elements of work environment, company mission, values, ethics, expectations and goals.

Employee-centric technology is an integral part of a positive EX. It empowers workers. It allows us to connect with people and share information instantly. Therefore, technology in the workplace must be up-to-date, solve employee challenges, solve workforce challenges, and be something your employees can’t live without.

Physical Environment:
This is the surroundings at the workplace. It could be cubicles or an open office space. It could be the wall paint color or hanging art. The physical environment of your workplace should be creative, motivating, energizing, and inspiring in order for it to create a positive EX. The physical environment of your senior living organization should make your employees feel connected.

Where should organizations begin when trying to create a positive EX? By defining employee personalities, administering employee surveys even to executives, reviewing people analytics and just plain talking to employees. What information should you be looking for? Here’s a few suggestions:

  • When and why a candidate makes the decision to work for your company or facility
  • Effectiveness of your onboarding process
  • Effectiveness of your employee wellness initiatives (Can include health initiatives, financial fitness, work/life balance, etc.)
  • Implementation of employee suggestions and ideas
  • New and unique ways management could connect with employees

Understanding and improving EX is critical companies competing for talent in a highly competitive industry such as the senior living space.  Adoption of EX leads to higher levels of:

  • Success in attracting and retaining skilled employees
  • Employee satisfaction
  • Resident/Consumer satisfaction
  • Better branding
  • Competitive advantage
  • Sustainable growth

It’s time to assess your EX in place and elevate it.  EX is vital for your senior care organization to gain a competitive advantage and upper hand in this talent-driven healthcare market.



Medbest, a Senior Care and Senior Living niched recruiting firm, has been successfully assisting Senior Living Communities locate top talent on a national basis since 2001.
Founded by former Nursing Home Administrator and current President & CEO, Julie Rupenski, MedBest places all mid-level management and executives including C-Suite, Healthcare IT, and Nurse Leadership positions with a priority in matching the right people within the right positions.

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