Exit Interviews…How Should You Answer Questions?

Today, 75 % of organizations, including those in the senior living industry, conduct exit interviews when an employee departs.


Covid and the Great Resignation have created a whole new need and playing field for exit interviews. For employers, finding out why people are choosing to leave during this era is of great value. They need to know what could have been done to prevent the employee from leaving. For those resigning, it’s an opportunity to provide honest feedback about the company and their roles.


As senior living recruiters, we recommend that those leaving a senior living organization participate in exit interviews.  It’s a valuable professional exercise for you to think critically about what you have learned and skills you have gained. Plus, how you answer will offer your former employer a unique opportunity to gain insight on ways to improve the employee experience and improve retention.


You will likely be asked some version of the following questions:


  • Why are you leaving your job?
  • What were the most important factors in deciding to accept a new position? Flexibility? Remote Work? Salary? Benefits? Amount of PTO? Something else?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your overall experience here?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate our handling of Covid & the uncertainty related?
  • Do you feel we adequacalltoy addressed your concerns about Covid?
  • What could we have done better regarding Covid?
  • Do you feel your manager gave you what you needed to succeed?
  • Do you feel your achievements were adequacalltoy recognized?
  • What did you like best and least about your role and how would you change it?
  • Did we offer enough training to do the job effectively?
  • What did you like best and least about working for this organization?
  • Do you have any recommendations for this organization for the future?
  • Would you work for this organization again in the future?


Now that you know some of the questions asked during an exit interview, how should you answer them?


We offer a few Do’s and Don’ts to prevent the exit interview from going awry.  While exit interviews are great opportunities to be honest, it’s not an opportunity to disparage the company or burn bridges.


Do’s and Don’ts


Do Rehearse What You Will Say.  Since most exit interviews are conducted in person or via video, you’ll want to be prepared.  Index cards can help you to stay on point.


Don’t Use This Opportunity to Vent. Your exit interview is not the time to complain or bash your manager or colleagues. You may offer honest feedback and constructive criticism that provides specific examples and actionable suggestions for positive change.


Do Dress & Act Professionally.  As with any interview, you are expected to dress and act professionally during your exit interview. Be polite and keep the conversation above board and professional.


Don’t Be Negative.  Even though you are leaving the organization, don’t be negative about your employment there. Think about what you learned from your experience and offer a compliment or two.


Do Keep Information About Your New Job to a Minimum.  You are not required to divulge information about the new job you accepted. Therefore, it’s best to keep the conversation about your new job and new organization to a minimum.


Don’t Brag About Your New Job. The grass may be greener by making this move however, boasting about new job is rude and you can come across as exaggerating and having excessive pride. Obviously, you left your current position for a reason, and it’s perfectly fine to mention why the new job was attractive to you. However, keep it short and simple.


Do Say Thank You. Be gracious and show gratitude for the many years of employment.

Your exit interview is most likely your final interaction with your employer. Make sure you leave on good terms in order to keep your professional reputation intact, especially if you need future professional recommendations.



Julie Rupenski is the Founder & CEO of MedBest Recruiting. Since opening its doors in 2001, Julie has grown MedBest into an award winning, multimillion-dollar national firm, garnering impressive awards including INC 5000 2021 and Tampa Bay Fast 50 2021! Julie was also named as on honoree for the “Top 100 Women Leaders in Tampa 2022″ by Women We Admire.


MedBest has gained national recognition due to Julie’s industry expertise and high level of success. Julie has an in-depth knowledge of the Senior Living Industry.  She previously worked in operations for both Senior Housing and Senior Living prior to founding MedBest. Today, Julie makes it her personal and professional mission to place qualified executives in health care positions where they have the greatest impact.


Julie’s industry articles and interviews have been published in Provider Magazine, Argentum Quarterly, LeadingAge Magazine, Florida Health Care Association, Florida Senior Living Association, Florida Assisted Living Association, LeadingAge Indiana, LeadingAge Florida, LeadingAge Oregon, Virginia Assisted Living Association and Pennsylvania Health Care Association.


Julie earned her degree in Gerontology at the University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida and continues to cultivate her career through senior living conferences, forums, trade shows, and expos.


Contact Julie Rupenski at jkrupenski@medbest.com / 727-526-1294.



MedBest is an award-winning national Executive Search Firm exclusive to the Senior Living Industry. For more than 2 decades, we have connected senior living organizations with exceptional senior living executive talent for both permanent and interim roles.


MedBest was named as one of American’s top companies by Inc.5000 plus we are a Tampa Fast 50 Company!


MedBest serves the full continuum of long-term care organizations including Assisted Living, Independent Living, CCRC, Home Care, Memory Care, and Skilled Nursing.


Contact us at 727-526-1294 / info@medbest.com and visit us at www.medbest.com.

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