Celebrating National Health IT Week – October 8-12, Washington DC
This week marks the 12th Annual National Health IT Week. Founded by HIMSS and the Institute for e-Policy in 2006, this week places focus and emphasis on actionable items and changes within the U.S. health system through the application of information technology.
The week-long celebration in Washington DC is comprised of partner-driven activities and events led by the efforts of national health stakeholders. Participants range from the Administration, congressional, federal and state agencies, providers, non-profit organizations and more.
Specific Points of Engagement:
The National Health IT Week Points of Engagement demonstrate the value of health information and technology through:
Supporting Healthcare Transformation: The many ways in which health IT is driving transformation in healthcare delivery including improvements in quality and safety, interoperability, advances in innovation, and patient and consumer activation and engagement.
Expanding Access to High Quality Healthcare: Use of innovative technologies including calltoehealth and remote patient monitoring to improve healthcare access, coordination and outcomes.
Increasing Economic Opportunity: Highlighting the importance of a robust, diverse health IT workforce and health IT’s role in supporting economic growth.
Making Communities Healthier: The fundamental role health IT plays in supporting population and public health.
The MedBest team are members of the South Florida Chapter of HIMSS and attended their one-day conference last week in Davie, Florida. Most prominent issues today in Health IT directly affecting the Senior Living Industry include: Cybersecurity/Cybercrime, Electronic Medical Records (EMR), Women at the Forefront of IT, Optimization of Patient Care Through Collaboration, and Telehealth/mHealth.
Read MedBest’s recent blog on Telehealth/mHealth
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